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كور محمد مكتبة سيمو امام تانوية الياسمين Jurassic World

Jurassic World is a 2015 American science fiction adventure film, the fourth installment of the Jurassic Park film series, and the first film in a planned Jurassic World trilogy. It was directed by Colin Trevorrow, written by Derek Connolly and Trevorrow, produced by Frank Marshall and Patrick Crowley, and stars Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Vincent D'Onofrio, Ty Simpkins, Nick Robinson, Omar Sy, BD Wong, and Irrfan Khan. Directed byColin Trevorrow  Running time
124 minutes Production companies Legendary Pictures[1] Amblin Entertainment  The Kennedy/Marshall Company
Director Colin Trevorrow stated that the Indominus rex, the synthetic hybrid dinosaur at the center of the film's story, is symbolic of consumer and corporate excess. The dinosaur was "meant to embody [humanity's] worst tendencies. We're surrounded by wonder and yet we want more, and we want it bigger, faster, louder, better. And in the world of the movie, the animal is designed based on a series of corporate focus groups."[23] He also stated, "There's something in the film about our greed and our desire for profit. The Indominus rex, to me, is very much that desire, that need to be satisfied."[24] Film journalists have noted parallels between the workings of the park in Jurassic World and of the film and entertainment industry.[25] Actor James DuMont said "the person [and] the environment are one" is an obvious theme; another theme is "those who do not stop evil are supporting and encouraging it".[26]
The film also explores the concept of raising an animal in a particular way; the Indominus rex was raised in captivity without the presence of siblings, making the creature "not fully functional"


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